Doctor of Nursing Practice (Post-Master's)

Dr. Stephanie Brown

Dr. Stephanie Brown

Stephanie Brown graduated from the Indiana State University Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program in May of 2018, and she was also a 2013 ISU graduate, earning Master of Science (MS) in nursing upon completion of the education tract.  Her DNP scholarly project focused upon the health promotion of individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) through community gardening.  Her study concentration is a result of the fact that she was raised on a farm, and her family grew a significant amount of the fruits and vegetables the family ate each day. 

Read Stephanie's story

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at Indiana State University prepares nurses to be innovative leaders and environmental change agents to transform our healthcare delivery system. The DNP represents the highest level of preparation in nursing practice, broadening the graduate’s ability to process and translate new evidence into nursing practice.  This ability is essential to maximizing the safety and efficacy of nursing practice to improve patient outcomes.

  • The DNP program is a 37-credit-hour post-master’s program requiring a total of 350 hours of supervised clinical preceptorship**
  • Consistent with other DNP programs, there is no dissertation requirement. 
  • Students complete a DNP scholarly project based on their individual expertise and interests.
  • The essential concepts of the DNP (The DNP Essentials) curriculum, as approved by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, forms the basis of our program, which is fully accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc.(ACEN)
  • The program offers curriculum compatible with students' individual interests and goals and is designed to meet the needs of the working healthcare professional. The DNP Program began in the Fall of 2010.

Distance Education Students Residing outside of Indiana:
Each of the states has its own approval processes for out-of-state institutions offering distance education.  While Indiana State University endeavors to offer all of its programs to as wide an audience as possible, all Indiana State University distance education programs may not be available in all states. The DNP (Post-Master's) program at Indiana State University is not available to residents of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Idaho, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wyoming, U.S.Territories, or International students. 

Map of states in which the DNP (Post-Master's) program is available.

Circumstances such as moving to an unapproved state or deployment of U.S. military or their family members outside the continental United States must be communicated to the School of Nursing and will impact progression and/or completion of the degree.

**Students must complete 1,000 post-baccalaureate clinical/practicum hours as mandated by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Clinical hours may be credited for students with evidence of national certification in an area of advanced nursing practice:         

  • Master’s prepared APRN (CNM, CRNA, CNS, NP):  Up to 650 clinical hours with documentation from the master’s degree granting institution and proof of national certification  DNP: Current Issues and Clarifying Recommendations [White Paper]
  • Master’s prepared Advanced Practice Nurses with Advanced Certification, e.g. Advanced Public Health, Advanced Nurse Executive, etc.: Up to 650 clinical hours with evidence of documented academically supervised clinical hours with a 1:1 ratio being observed and proof of certification. American Association Colleges of Nursing. (2015). DNP: Current Issues and Clarifying Recommendations [White Paper]
  • Per AACN MSN Nurse Educators - will not have previous practicum hours waived. A longer program of study will be required to fulfill clinical practice hours. Variable credit, independent study courses facilitate degree completion for nurse educators. 

 DNP Program Outcomes

Student Achievement Outcome Data for All Programs

Applications for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (Post-Master's) are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Application Evaluation
Post-Baccalaureate Clinical Hour Verification Form  
How to Apply
Advising Worksheet

DNP (Post-Master's) Frequently Asked Questions

​Current Students


The essential concepts of the DNP (The DNP Essentials) curriculum as approved by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, forms the basis of our program, which is fully accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN). (See for more information.)


Maybe you see yourself in clinical instruction, involved in research, or perhaps continuing your current career with increased skill and greater awareness of the dynamic healthcare environment. If increased intellectual knowledge and career advancement are in your future, the Doctor of Nursing Practice may be right for you. Whatever your career path, Indiana State University will be there when you are ready to start your clinical doctorate.

Further Information

Our curriculum is compatible with your individual interests and goals and is designed to meet the needs of the working professional. Our unique online learning format is user friendly and convenient and, unlike your many other competing priorities, is there when you have time.

Academic Fees

Required Courses