Friends of Sycamore Outdoor Center
Friends of the Sycamore Outdoor Center was established October 1, 2009
- The mission of the Friends of the Indiana State University Sycamore Outdoor Center is to support the ISU Sycamore Outdoor Center through advocacy, service, and financial support.
- The Friends of the Indiana State University Sycamore Outdoor Center is administered by the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport
- Activities and events are directed by Board of Directors and members.
- The financial resources of the organization are held by the Indiana State University Foundation.
Membership - Please consider donating online
- Membership is open to any person interested in advocacy, service, or financial support of the Indiana State University Sycamore Outdoor Center. Levels of Support are set by the Board of Directors.
Supporting the Sycamore Outdoor Center is simple - Donate Online
Support Levels and Recognition
Charter Level: $250.00 includes:
- An aerial photograph of the property signed by the ISU President
- Your name on the Charter Plaque
- Friends newsletter
- Inclusion in all Friends events
- Only available through December, 2010
Annual Support Level: $50.00 includes:
- Friends newsletter
- Inclusion in all Friends events
Sustaining Level: $500.00 includes:
- All the benefits of Charter Membership
- Name placement on Sustaining Members Plaque
- Special Recognition in all Friends publications
Presidential Level $1000.00+ includes:
- Special Projects and Gifts Level
- All benefits of Charter Membership and Sustaining Membership
- Appropriate Recognition connected to projects or gifts
All levels of support are tax deductible.
Don Rogers, Ph.D., CTRS
Director, Sycamore Outdoor Center
Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport
College of Health and Human Services
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809
812-237-2493 (fax)