Sales & Negotiations: Sales Competitions

The Sales and Negotiations Center at Indiana State University plans to participate in at least two sales competitions each year. This is an important opportunity for our students to meet and compete with the very best sales students in the country. These competitions typically include Career Fairs and significantly enhance employment opportunities for our ISU students.

Student Success at RNMKRS

A huge congratulations to our Sycamores who competed in this semester’s RNMKRS Virtual Sales Competition!

Congratulations to Rachel Hildebrand for placing 4th and Nathan Nichols for placing 10th overall in the new RNMKRS Pro competition. A congratulations to Joel Bleskey for being a regional winner for top school score in the standard RNMKRS Competition. Congratulations to Ethan Fruit for being recognized as a member of the 100+ Club, and congratulations to Nathan Nichols for being a regional winner in the speed sell competition.

Additionally, Indiana State University, Scott College of Business and the Sales and Negotiations Center was recognized as the 2nd place school overall in the RNMKRS Pro competition and 10th overall in the RNMKRS Standard competition!

We are so proud of our Sycamores and Sales team work this semester and cannot wait to continue into next semester to see what they achieve!

RNMKRS Fall 2022

SCOB Sales Students Among the Best

The Scott College of Business Sales and Negotiations Center student team recently placed among the best in the Rainmakers (RNMKRS) Virtual Sales Competition held November 16th and 17th, 2022. More than 1,300 students at 49 colleges and universities competed in the global virtual sales competition built using the RNMKRS A.I. technology. This unique competition allows students to interact with an intelligent animated bot using their phone and with an animated character during the sales call. The bot responds in real time to voice input. This year’s event introduced a new more challenging pro division for experienced students, which included role play and speed sell rounds, as well as a standard division for new participants. Indiana State University finished second overall in the pro category and tenth in the standard RNMKRS competition.

Congratulations to Rachel Hildebrand (senior - marketing) for placing fourth overall, Melina Tedrow (senior - marketing) fifth, Nathan Nichols (sophomore - business), tenth, and Caleb Needham (senior – engineering) thirteenth in the RNMKRS pro category. In the standard competition, Joel Bleskey (senior – finance) was selected as a regional winner and placed 46th, along with Ethan Fruit (junior – marketing) and Zhana Pickett (senior – marketing) among the top 100. 

 “Our students continually shine in their representation of the university on this global stage competing against thousands. Their dedication reflects well on the college and helps set them apart from others during the competition, “ says Dr. Ricky Fergurson, Assistant Professor of Marketing and Sales Team Coach.

RNMKRS Sales Team

Students Nathan Nichols, Zhana Pickett, Rachel Hildebrand, and Joel Bleskey

SNC Students Compete in Sales Competition

Three students, Rachel Hildebrand, Connor Lash, and Austin Schwartz-Thrasher competed in the recent Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition under the coaching of Dr. Ricky Fergurson.

Congratulations to Connor and Rachel who reached the semi-finals of the role play sales competition, competing against 27 schools and almost 200 competitors!

The competition is organized by Bryant University st Rhode Island and took place November 11 and 12, 2022.

SNC NISC sales competition

Connor Lash, Dr. Ricky Fergurson, Rachel Hildebrand, and Austin Schwartz-Thrasher

SNC RNMKRS Spring 2022

Spring 2022 saw another good result for the Sales and Negotiations Center at the RNMKRS competition. Our students performed exceptionally well this year with 7 scoring over 9,000 points out of 10,000 possible. A special congratulations to Daijon Collins finishing 19th overall and Joel Bleskey finishing 21st overall - out of over 2800 students!!!

Also a shoutout to Rachel Hildebrand for being one of 3 students recognized for the award "Most Persistent Student." Rachel is “very proud to announce that this past week, I competed and placed in the top 2% of competitors for the virtual sales competition RNMKRS!

Finally a congratulations is in store for our incredible sales team coach J. Ricky Fergurson for earning recognition and being in the top 1% of coaches and being one of seven to earn an award for "Best Engagement in Class Onboarding Calls"

RNMKRS Spring 2022 award winners

Daijon Collins, Joel Bleskey, Rachel Hildebrand and coach Ricky Fergurson

The SNC came joint 9th in the roleplay competitions for having the most students in the top 30%
Out of 2,800 students, Daijon Collins finished 19th overall and was named one of the midwest region's roleplay champions
Joel Bleskey finishing 21st.
Rachel Hildebrand was named one of the most persistent students
Professor Ricky Fergurson was named among the top 1% of coaches and and one of the Best Engagement in Class Onboarding Calls

Students Excel at Selling with the Bulls

Five students of the Sales and Negotiations Center Sales Team under the leadership of Professor Ricky Fergurson racked up an impressive eight awards at the University of South Florida Selling with the Bulls competition. Between them the team came away with:

Second place Team Bull award - First Flight
Second place Top Bull (individual) award - First flight - Hannah Rickett
Fourth place Top Bull (individual) award - First flight - Natalie Mauk
Winners Circle Award: Hannah Rickett and Natalie Mauk
First place -Voicemail award - Connor Lash
Second Place - Networking award - Hannah Rickett
Fifth place - LinkedIn award - Rachel Hildebrand

Dr. Fergurson said that “I could not be more excited for these students after seeing all of their hard work in preparing for “The toughest test in sales” pay off in such a big way for them. Additionally, they all had a chance to connect with some great companies during the two days competing and networking.”

All the team members, Brin Bair, Connor Lash, Rachel Hildebrand, Natalie Mauk, and Hannah Rickett found it an amazing experience and are rightly proud of their achievements.

Selling with the Bulls is an annual sales competition hosted by the University of South Florida, Tampa, and is considered the most challenging of student sales competitions. This year's competition was held on February 17/18, 2022.

Selling with the Bulls SNC Sales Team

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Previous Competition Winners

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Contact Us

Dr. David Fleming
Sales & Negotiations Center
Scott College of Business
Federal Hall
30 N. 7th St., Room 105
Indiana State University
812-237-2286 phone
812-264-1075 (cell)

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