James and Wanda Lear Family Business Scholarship
The scholarship will provide support to students who are from Sullivan or Vigo County and are studying business at Indiana State University.
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Indiana State University alumnus and Sullivan, Indiana, native James "Jim" Lear has created the James and Wanda Lear Family Business Scholarship. The scholarship will provide support to students who, much like Lear, are from Sullivan or Vigo County and are studying business at Indiana State University.
"My wife Wanda and I saw in our lifetimes how important it was to have a college education," Lear said, "Knowing how expensive a college education can be, I feel every little bit can help."
After graduating from Indiana State in 1950, Lear built a successful career in banking, creating connections across the Terre Haute and Sullivan communities for nearly 40 years.
"Jim Lear's impact on the local community has been tremendous, and it will continue to grow through this scholarship," said Terry Daugherty, Dean of the Scott College of Business. "He is not only creating positive change in the lives of current students but inspiring them to be engaged leaders within their communities as well."
"May you go on to do great things and remember those individuals and institutions that helped you along the way," said James.
Wanda and James Lear
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